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Prix en Sciences biomédicales

Prix en Sciences biomédicales

Appels à candidatures actuellement ouverts
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Additional Research Credits in Oncology

Deadline: 07.02.2024

Periodicity: annual

Theme: Candidates to a FNRS’ Postdoctoral researcher fellowship (CR fellowship) in the field of Oncology are eligible to apply to Additional Research Credits (ARC). These ARC come on top of the regular Research Credits attached to the FNRS mandate and follow the same regulation. Candidates will automatically be contacted by the FNRS to check on their willingness to apply.
Award level: FNRS’ Postdoctoral researchers 
Award coverage: Federation Wallonia-Brussels 
Amount: 6 x 15.000 €

Documents: Laureates

BiR&D Cross-Disciplinary PhD Thesis Awards

Deadline : 01.02.2023

Periodicity : annual

Theme : PhD thesis that presents an original contribution with potential industrial valorisation within a 5-year period and a cross-disciplinary approach. Two Awards in the domain of Life & Health Sciences, two Awards in the domain of Science & Technology.   
Award level : PhD thesis 
Award coverage : Belgium 
Amount4 x 5.000 €

Documents : Règlement - Lauréats - Press release


Scientific Award AstraZeneca Foundation – Personalized medicine in cardiovascular diseases

Deadline: 10.6.2024

Periodicity: annual

Theme : Innovative scientific research leading to novel developments in personalized medicine in cardiovascular diseases.
Nominees : Belgium
Award : 25,000 €

Documents Regulations - Application form - Laureates - Press release

Scientific Award AstraZeneca Foundation – New multidisciplinary approaches to tackle the obesity pandemic

Deadline: 10.6.2024

Periodicity: annual

Theme : Innovative scientific research leading to novel perspectives in new multidisciplinary approaches to tackle the obesity pandemic.
Nominees : Belgium
Award : 25,000 €

Documents Regulations - Application formLaureates - Press release

Scientific Award AstraZeneca Foundation – New advances in diagnosis/treatment of monogenic rare diseases

Deadline: 10.6.2024

Periodicity: annual

Theme : Innovative scientific research leading to novel perspectives in the diagnosis/treatment of monogenic rare diseases.
Nominees : Belgium
Award : 25,000 €

Documents Regulations - Application form - Laureates - Press release

Prize of the Centre d'Etudes Princesse Joséphine-Charlotte

Deadline : 01.03.2023

Periodicity : biennial

Theme : Scientific research achievement in the field of viral infections, in connection with health
Nominees : Belgium
Award : 12.500 €

Documents : Règlement - Press release - Lauréats

Lambertine Lacroix Award

Deadline : 2.10.2023

Periodicity : biennial

Theme : Fundamental research work in cardiovascular diseases, preferably with translational implications.
Award level: Applicants cannot have reached the age of 51.
Award coverage: Federation Wallonia-Brussels

Documents : Règlement - Lauréats

McKinsey & Company Scientific Award

Deadline : 04.03.2024

Periodicity : annuel

Theme: Societal and economic relevance, or the practical applicability of a doctoral thesis. The doctoral thesis must pertain to one of the following fields : Exact sciences; Applied sciences; Social, economic or management sciences; Biomedical sciences.
Nominees : (2 Prix): Belgique - Thèse de doctorat - un par Communauté linguistique
5.000 €

Documents : Règlement - Lauréats - Dossier de remise de prix

Prix Gagna A. & Ch. Van Heck for Incurable Diseases

Deadline : 15.1.2024

Periodicity : triennial

Theme : Research having contributed to the cure, or hopes of cure, of a currently incurable disease
Nominees : International – researcher or medical doctor
Award : 75.000 €

Documents : Règlement - Liste des lauréats - Communiqué de presse - Composition du Jury

Oswald Vander Veken Prize – Tumors of the Locomotor Apparatus

Deadline : 01.03.2023

Periodicity : triennial

Theme : Research on the causes, prevention, diagnosis or treatment of tumors of the locomotor apparatus
Nominees : European Economic Area + Switzerland
Award : 25.000 €

DocumentsRegulations EN - Lauréats

Eugène Yourassowsky Award in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Deadline : 04.03.2024

Periodicity : quadriennal

Theme : PhD thesis in the field of medical microbiology and infectious diseases.
Nominees : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Thèse défendue au cours des quatre années civiles précédant la date d’introduction du Prix
Award : 15.000 €

DocumentsRèglement - Dossier de remise de prix - Lauréats - Présentation de la Fondation

SCK CEN Chair Roger Van Geen

Deadline: 17.04.2023

Periodicity: biennial  

Theme: Nuclear energy and/or nuclear radiation: both technically oriented research and socio-economic research 
Award level: Postdoctoral level or higher   
Award coverage: Worldwide 
Amount: €12,500  

DocumentsRegulations - Prize-winners

Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Award

Deadline: 01.03.2023

Periodicity: biennial  

Theme: Original fundamental or translational contribution in the fields of Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism or Nutrition. The research can be based on any model or experimental approach (functional, morphological, genetic, pharmacological, epidemiological) but cannot pertain to cancerous pathologies
Award level: Scientific seniority of maximum PhD + 16 years on January the 1st 2023
Award coverage: Belgium
Amount: €30.000  

DocumentsRegulations - Laureates