Within the doctoral school with the F.R.S.-FNRS, one or more thematic doctoral schools may be created.
A thematic doctoral school may belong to several doctoral schools with the F.R.S.-FNRS.
Each thematic doctoral school is subject to the responsibility of a scientific committee.
=> Procedure to create a new TDS
List of the thematic doctoral schools:
- Architecture, Urban Planning, Architectural and Urban Engineering
- Art and Art Sciences
- Biodiversity - Ecology - Evolution (BEE)
- Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biochemistry (BCMB)
- Experimental Cancerology
- Molecular, Supramolecular and Functional Chemistry (CHIM)
- Computational Intelligence and Learning (CIL)
- Criminology
- Subject Teaching Methods
- Doctoral school of Management (DSM)
- Cinema and Performing Arts Studies
- Development Studies
- European Studies
- PROCess EnGineering (GEPROC)
- Graduate School in Computing Science (GRASCOMP)
- Graduate School in Economics
- Graduate School in Mechanics (GrasMech)
- Multimedia, Silicon, Communication and Security (MUSICS)
- Graduate School of Social Sciences
- History, Art and Aercheology (HISTAR)
- Immunology (EDIM)
- Languages, Literature and Translation Studies
- Mathematics
- Experimental and Theoretical Methods; Atoms, Molecules and SupRamolecules, PHOtons, Spectra and Electrons (METAMORPHOSE)
- Neurosciences
- Non-linear phenomena, complex systems and mechanical statistics (COMPLEX)
- Philosophy
- Physiology, Physiopathology and Pharmacology
- Physics and Astrophysics (IFAC - Physics of Fundamental Interactions in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology + FYQU - Quantum Physics and Structure of Matter + Quantum Field Theory, Strings and Gravity) (PANDA)
- Plant Science
- Public Health, Health and Society (SPSS)
- Agronomic Sciences and Biological Engineering (SCAIB)
- Dental Sciences
- Information and Communication Sciences (EDSIC)
- Motricity Sciences (EDSM)
- Sciences of the Universe, Space, the Earth and the Climate (UNITER)
- Management Sciences
- Religious Sciences (EDOREL)
- Materials, Interfaces and Nanostructures Science and Engineering (MAIN)
- Geographic sciences
- Legal Sciences
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Political Sciences
- PSYChology and EDUCational Sciences (PSYCEDUC)
- Science, Technology and Environmental Management (ENVITAM)
- Veterinary Sciences (VETSCI)
- Structure and Function of Biological Macromolecules, Bioinformatics and Modelling (SFMBBM)
- Statistics and Actuarial Sciences (STAT)
- Systems, Optimization, Control and Networks (SOCN)
- Theology and Biblical Studies