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NCP & Horizon Europe

NCP & Horizon Europe

Since 2006, the F.R.S.-FNRS has hosted the National Contact Point (NCP) responsible for supporting participation to the European framework programmes for research and innovation.

It is aimed at higher education actors in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation: universities, university hospitals, university colleges and arts colleges. 

The objectives of the NCP-FNRS are as follows:

  • to notify researchers of Horizon Europe funding opportunities;
  • to inform stakeholders;
  • to identify and enable possibilities for participation;
  • to assist stakeholders in introducing projects.

In practical terms, the work revolves around organising information sessions and providing information through various means (the website, the helpdesk etc).

By agreement with Union Wallonne des Entreprises (UWE) which hosts the NCP Wallonie, the NCP-FNRS focuses on parts of Horizon Europe highlighted below:

For more information about the NCP-FNRS and the Horizon Europe programmes, please visit https://ncp.fnrs.be.



Contact us

Fund for Scientific Research - FNRS

Rue d’Egmont 5

B - 1000 Bruxelles

Tél : +32 2 504 92 11

BE55 0016 0000 0044

Contact the FNRS