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FNRS.awards 2020

FNRS.awards 2020

The year 2020 has been a source of transformation in the whole of our society. But the activities of the FNRS have not stopped, and the Prizes, Grants programs and Scholarships rewarding researchers or encouraging them to pursue their research have been distributed.

Discover these awards and incentives in pictures, in the company of the laureates:

Scientific Award AstraZeneca Foundation – Patient Care in the Artificial Intelligence Era

Athena Demertzi

Generet Award
Pierre Vanderhaeghen

Eugène Yourassowsky Prize
Camille Goemans

McKinsey & Company Prize
Pierre Jamin

Oswald Vander Veken Prize
Anabelle Decottignies

Lambertine Lacroix Prize
Luc Bertrand

IBM Innovation Award
Sarah Itani

Prize for Applied Chemistry
Luiza Bonin

BiR&D Cross-Disciplinary PhD Thesis Award - Science & Technology
Luis Couto

Gustave Boël - Sofina Fellowships – Sofina
Antoine Aerts

Gustave Boël - Sofina Fellowships – Sofina
Pierre Vassiliadis

Gustave Boël - Sofina Fellowships – Sofina
Jehan Waeytens

Gustave Boël - Sofina Fellowships – Sofina
Emily Claereboudt

Gustave Boël - Sofina Fellowships – Sofina
François Renaud


ISDT Wernaers Fund for research and the diffusion of knowledge

The Wernaers Prize for Scientific Popularisation (only in FR)
Subventions to media that contribute to developing interest in scientific culture (only in FR)

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Fund for Scientific Research - FNRS

Rue d’Egmont 5

B - 1000 Bruxelles

Tél : +32 2 504 92 11

BE55 0016 0000 0044

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