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FNRS.awards 2019

First FNRS.awards ceremony

January 21, 2020 | Concert Noble (Brussels)

Every year, the FNRS organises, co-organises, manages or contributes to the management of some twenty prizes, scholarships or awards, financed by private patronage (foundations, companies, etc.), for the benefit of researchers who distinguish themselves in their field*. In 2019, nearly 2.5 million euros have been awarded and supported scientific excellence. Prizes are awarded independently of each other, according to the terms and conditions specific to each sponsor. By launching the first edition of the FNRS.awards, the FNRS wanted to bring together the actors of these scientific patronage events in a unique ceremony. More generally, the entire FNRS research community came together on 21 January 2020.

The event was held in two parts:

Round table " Science and rewards ", moderated by Arnaud Ruyssen (RTBF).

Researchers and patrons will discuss the role that reward plays in the development of a scientific career. With :

Testimonials from researchers

  • Miikka Vikkula, researcher in human molecular genetics at UCLouvain, winner of the Generet Award 2018
  • Karine Van Doninck, UNamur Organism Biology Researcher, winner of numerous awards, including the 2019 ISTD Wernaers Prize for the Popularization of Science.
  • Bénédicte Machiels, researcher in immunology-vaccinology at ULiège, winner of the Eugène Yourassowsky Prize 2012.
  • Anthony Clève, researcher in computer sciences at UNamur, winner of the IBM Belgium Prize 2010


  • Guy van Wassenhove, Curator, Baillet Latour Fund.
  • Framboise Boël, Member of the Monitoring Committee, Platform for Education and Talent (Gustave Boël-Sofina).
  • Brigitte Bekaert, Director Corporate Communication, Sustainability, Philanthropy, Public Affairs, Scientific & Regulatory Affairs and Consumer Advisory, L'Oréal - Belgilux.


The award ceremony, hosted by Corine Boulangier (RTBF). 

pdfBrochure (only in FR) 
pdfCommuniqué de presse (only in FR)

Baillet Latour Health Prize, Baillet Latour Grant for Medical Research, BiR&D Cross-Disciplinary PhD Thesis Awards, Bourses de mobilité Gustave Boël-Sofina, Bourses L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science, Fonds E.G. de Barsy, Fonds Gagna A. & Ch. Van Eck, Fonds Rimaux-Bartier, Fonds ISDT Wernaers, Generet Award for Rare Diseases, IBM Innovation Award, Nokia Bell Scientific Award, Prix Antonella Karlson, Scientific Awards Foundation AstraZeneca, Prix du Centre d'Études Princesse Joséphine-Charlotte, Prix scientifique McKinsey & Company, SCK•CEN Chair « Roger Van Geen ».

Sound recording of the round table (only in FR)

Photos of the Ceremony


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Fund for Scientific Research - FNRS

Rue d’Egmont 5

B - 1000 Bruxelles

Tél : +32 2 504 92 11

BE55 0016 0000 0044

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