Calls to apply currently
- McKinsey & Company Scientific Award 2025
- Antonella Karlson Award 2025
- Nokia Bell Scientific Award 2025
Additional Research Credits for Women in Exact and Natural Sciences
Deadline: 07.02.2024
Periodicity: biannual
Theme: Female candidates to a FNRS’ Postdoctoral researcher fellowship (CR fellowship) in the field of Exact and Natural Sciences are eligible to apply to Additional Research Credits (ARC). These ARC come on top of the regular Research Credits attached to the FNRS mandate and follow the same regulation. Candidates will automatically be contacted by the FNRS to check on their willingness to apply.
Award level: FNRS’ Postdoctoral researchers
Award coverage: Federation Wallonia-Brussels
Amount: 3 x 20.000 €
BiR&D Cross-Disciplinary PhD Thesis Awards
Deadline : 01.02.2023
Periodicity : annual
Theme : PhD thesis that presents an original contribution with potential industrial valorisation within a 5-year period and a cross-disciplinary approach. Two Awards in the domain of Life & Health Sciences, two Awards in the domain of Science & Technology.
Award level : PhD thesis
Award coverage : Belgium
Amount : 4 x 5.000 €
Documents : Regulations - Recipients (only in FR) - Press release
Antonella Karlson Award
Deadline : 03.03.2025
Periodicity : Biennial
Theme : Doctoral thesis in Physics and/or Mathematics.
Nominees : Wallonia-Brussels Federation
Award : 5.000 €
Documents : Regulations - Application form - Laureates
Prize for Applied Chemistry
Deadline: 04.04.2022
Periodicity: biennial
Theme: Doctoral thesis on an original study covering new concepts and/or applications in the chemical industry
Nominees: Wallonia-Brussels Federation and the Royal Military Academy (Belgium) – maximum of 2 years after the defence of doctoral thesis
Award: €4,000
Documents : Regulations (only in FR) - Recipients (only in FR)
Nokia Bell Scientific Award
Deadline: 17.03.2025
Periodicity: annual
Theme: PhD thesis in the field of information and communication technologies in one of these topics : Artificial/augmented intelligence ; Artificial Intelligence assisted software development ; Big data and analytics ; Decentralized/Trustless Software Systems ; Edge and cloud computing ; Fixed and wireless communication ; Optical communication ; Signal processing ; Software engineering for cyber-physical systems.
Nominees: Belgium
Award: €8,000
Documents :Regulations - Application form - Laureates
McKinsey & Company Scientific Award
Deadline: 03.03.2025
Periodicity: annual
Theme: Societal and economic relevance, or the practical applicability of a doctoral thesis. The doctoral thesis must pertain to one of the following fields : Exact sciences; Applied sciences; Social, economic or management sciences; Biomedical sciences.
Nominees: Wallonia-Brussels Federation
Award: €5,000
Documents: Regulations - Application form - Recipients (only in FR) - Awards ceremony booklet
SCK CEN Chair Roger Van Geen
Deadline: 17.04.2023
Periodicity: biennial
Theme: Nuclear energy and/or nuclear radiation: both technically oriented research and socio-economic research
Award level: Postdoctoral level or higher
Award coverage: Worldwide
Amount: €12,500
Documents: Regulations - Recipients (only in FR)