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Horizon Europe Incentive

Horizon Europe Incentive

The Board of Directors of the FNRS has decided to continue under Horizon Europe the support given to the preparation of proposals submitted to the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, in favour of researchers from the universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

The FNRS Horizon Europe incentive applies to the instruments covered by the National Contact Point NCP-FNRS:

  • Pillar I - European Research Council (ERC): ERC Starting Grant, ERC Consolidator Grant, ERC Advanced Grant, ERC Synergy Grant, as principal investigator,
  • Pillar I - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA): MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship, MSCA Doctoral Network, MSCA Staff Exchange;
  • Pillar I - research infrastructures: Research and Innovation Actions (RIA), Innovation Action (IA), Coordination and Support Action (CSA);
  • Pillar II - Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society cluster: RIA, IA, CSA;
  • part "Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area": RIA, IA, CSA.

Applications must be submitted via e-space, within two months after the closure of the Horizon Europe call (this deadline is adapted for ERC and MSCA FP).

The detailed conditions are specified in a regulation.



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Fund for Scientific Research - FNRS

Rue d’Egmont 5

B - 1000 Bruxelles

Tél : +32 2 504 92 11

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