The doctoral schools with the the F.R.S.-FNRS are inter-university doctoral schools.
- Philosophy (ED 1)
- Theology (ED 2)
- Languages, Literature and Translation Studies (ED 3bis)
- History, Art and Archaeology (ED 4)
- Architecture and Urban Planning (ED 5)
- Information and Communication (ED 6)
- Political and Social Sciences (ED 7)
- Legal Sciences (ED 8)
- Criminology (ED 9)
- Economics and Management Sciences (ED 10)
- Educational Sciences and Teaching (ED10bis)
- Psychological Sciences (ED 11)
- Medical Sciences (ED 12)
- Public Health (ED 12bis)
- Veterinary Sciences (ED 13)
- Dental Sciences (ED 14)
- Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (ED 15)
- Motricity Sciences (ED 16)
- Sciences (ED 17)
- Agronomic Sciences and Biological Engineering (ED 18)
- Engineering Sciences and Technology (ED 19)
- Art and Art Sciences (ED 20)
- Performing Arts and Broadcasting and Communication Technology (ED 25)
Each doctoral school with the F.R.S.-FNRS is placed under the responsibility of a Scientific council (cf. Organisational Rules – Doctoral Schools).
The members of this council are appointed by the Board of the F.R.S.-FNRS on the proposal of the rectors.
Each university institution that is authorised in the field according to the terms of the decree must be represented by a member.
The doctoral schools of the F.R.S.-FNRS submit an annual report to the F.R.S.-FNRS Doctoral Schools Commission.