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Credits and Projects

Credits and Projects

The F.R.S.-FNRS has put in place a range of tools to provide scientific researchers who have a project of excellence with scientific and technical staff, equipment and means of operation.

Research credit – CDR

Funding instrument for an individual researcher (or his/her team) to ensure the funding of research, ongoing research activities but also that of exploratory research or else to promote the emergence of new research themes and researchers.

In the context of a CDR, the eligible costs are of 2 types: operations and equipment.

The CDR has a duration of 2 years (with the possibility of extending the expenses over 4 years) and makes it possible to solicit funding of between €5,000 and €31,500 maximum per year.

Rules & Guides


Research project - PDR

Funding instrument for Single or Multi-university research programmes, borne by a principal promoter.

The Multi-university PDR provides for the participation of one co-promoter per institution, provided that they are not from the main promoter-applicant’s institution.

As part of the PDR, the allocated fund can cover 3 types of expenses: staff, operating and equipment.

The duration of PDR is either 2 or 4 years and makes it possible to solicit funding of between:

  • €30,000 and €84,000 (annual average) for a Single-university PDR,
  • €30,000 and €120,750 (annual average) for a Multi-university PDR.


Weave initiative:

Since 2021, some European research funding agencies have mutually opened their project funding instruments to research teams from partner agencies of the Weave initiative. Researchers from the French-speaking Community of Belgium can therefore include partners from another partner agency in the PDR instrument of the F.R.S.-FNRS.

In 2024, the F.R.S.-FNRS offers the possibility to submit collaborative project proposals (bi or trilateral) as part of the PDR instrument within the framework of the Credits and Projects Call with:

  • German research institutions eligible to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG): German partners must comply with the guidelines of the Weave page of DFG.
    • Attention: projects in collaboration with a German partner have a duration of 3 years with a funding equal to that of a 4-year PDR.
    • The PDR starting date is set for the 1st April and the ending date for the 31st March
  • Flemish research institutions eligible to the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO): Flemish partners must comply with the guidelines of the Weave FWO page as a partner agency.
  • Luxembourg research institutions eligible to the FNR Luxembourg (FNR): Luxembourg partners must comply with the guidelines of the INTER programme of the FNR.
  • Swiss research institutions eligible to the SNSF Switzerland (SNSF): Swiss partners must comply with the guidelines of theSNSF Weave page

Rules & Guides


Equipment - EQP

Funding instrument for Single- or Multi-university research programmes borne by a principal promoter for the purchase of equipment or an experimental system.  

The Single- or Multi-university EQP provides for the participation of co-promoters.

As part of the EQP, the allocated fund can cover 2 types of expenses: operating and equipment.

The EQP has a duration of two years and makes it possible to solicit funding with a cost including VAT of over € 30,000 and no greater than € 300,000.

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Infrastructure & Large Equipement - INFRA-GEQ

Funding instrument for Single- or Multi-university research programmes supported by a main promoter for funding for the acquisition of large-scale specialised equipment, the setting up of research infrastructures and the upgrading of existing facilities. 

The INFRA-GEQ allows researchers to apply for funding of between €300,000 and €800,000 maximum, to be spread over a period of 3 or 6 years, to cover capital expenditure as well as certain staff and operating costs.

Rules & Guides


Incentive grant for scientific research - MIS

Funding instrument to support young permanent researchers who seek to develop a scientific unit focusing on a future-oriented area within their university.

The research programme should be characterised by its originality and its innovativeness as well as by its scientific autonomy from the works of the laboratory where the applicant is involved. This programme should eventually enable the researcher to acquire their independence in a “flagship” laboratory.

 As part of the MIS the allocated fund can cover 3 types of expenses: operating, equipment and staff.

The MIS is granted for a duration of three years and makes it possible to solicit funding of an annual average of maximum € 157,500.

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Interuniversity Institute for Nuclear Sciences - IISN

A long-term, regularly renewed funding instrument financing successive recurrent projects lasting up to 4 years.

IISN scope:

  • Study of fundamental interactions and their possible unification through observation, experimentation, phenomenological and theoretical studies, including cosmological aspects.
  • Properties of atomic and subatomic bound systems.
  • Instruments for experimentation and study include, for example, particle accelerators, particle traps, cosmic ray detectors, neutrino detectors...
  • This list is not exhaustive, but does not include astronomical approaches (radio, IR, visible, UV telescopes, etc.).
  • Research and development on the technologies needed for the experimental and observational programmes carried out in the framework of these studies.

Under funding from the IISN, the eligible costs are of 3 types: operations, equipment and staff.

Rules & Guides

Contact us

Fund for Scientific Research - FNRS

Rue d’Egmont 5

B - 1000 Bruxelles

Tél : +32 2 504 92 11

BE55 0016 0000 0044

Contact the FNRS