Call for projects - Partnership Hubert Curien Tournesol 2022
The Hubert Curien Tournesol partnership develops scientific and technological cooperation between higher education and research establishments and public bodies in Wallonia-Brussels and France in the field of fundamental research.
The means granted by way of subsidies are a lump sum for transport and accommodation costs. The missions financed are of short duration, of the order of one to two weeks per year and per project.
The duration of projects is a maximum of two years. Renewal of support for a second year is subject to a request made by the project leader and the submission of a joint balance sheet by both partners, accompanied by a motivation note to support the request for renewal.
All information relating to this call is available on the website of Wallonie-Bruxelles International:
The deadline for submission of applications (to WBI) is April 14, 2021.
Projects will start as of January 1, 2022.