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Press release on the COVID-19 crisis

Press release on the COVID-19 crisis - Wallonia and Brussels mobilise with more than 190 research projects and business initiatives, gathered on a new platform: WWW.COVID19-WB.be.

Since the beginning of the health crisis, a large number of scientific research projects and business initiatives have been rapidly set up in Wallonia and Brussels to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on health and society as a whole. A very large number of skills and expertise, in all fields of science, have been associated with these projects.

At the initiative of the Royal Academy of Medicine and the Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium, supported by the universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the #FNRS was asked to draw up an inventory and to disseminate it on the Internet.

This is now done, with a first version of this inventory published this Wednesday morning on www.COVID19-WB.be. The site currently brings together nearly 250 initiatives developed to help combat the pandemic and its consequences: scientific research (universities and FNRS) is represented by more than 160 projects, in addition to some thirty business initiatives, as well as the reference of some fifty expertises in various scientific fields.
This site has been designed with a view to constant improvement: other projects may be added to the current version on a regular basis.

The site can be consulted in English and constitutes a unique database demonstrating the richness, dynamism and diversity of our scientific research (fundamental and applied).
applied) and our companies.

The themes are about :

  • Fundamental research in Life and Health Sciences
  • Tests and diagnostics
  • Therapy and care
  • Vaccines and prevention
  • Big data and e-health
  • People and society
  • Economics, ethics and law
  • Public policy
  • Information and communication
    The initiatives can come from the 6 universities of the FWB, the FNRS, university hospitals, universities, federal institutions, research centres or companies.


Call Coronavirus

Projets Exceptionnels de recherche - PER

Call open on e-space.

  • Mini-guide FR / EN
  • Regulations FREN



L'Oréal-UNESCO International Awards for Women in Science 2021

The 2021 Prizes will be awarded to five outstanding women researchers for their work in the physical, mathematical and computer sciences. Each winner will receive a prize of €100,000 for her contribution to the advancement of science at a ceremony in March 2021.

All necessary information is available on the following platform: https://www.forwomeninscience.com/fr/awards 

The deadline for applications is 31 May 2020.

Exceptional Research Projects (call opening 15 May)

  • On 15 May next, the call for Exceptional Research Projects (PER) will be opened.
  • These research projects will be fundable up to €260,000 each.
  • These projects may be grafted onto others already underway in laboratories and university hospitals.
  • The fields concerned are not only those of life and health sciences but also those of human and social sciences:


    • Epidemiological and translational studies
      • Natural history of the disease (including anthropogenic factors) and mode of transmission of the virus
      • Diagnosis of infection, asymptomatic carriage, evolution of immune response
      • Clinical characterization and management
      • Predictive and retrospective numerical models
    • Physiopathogeny of the disease (virus-host interactions and immune response)
      • Development of animal and cellular models
      • Therapeutic Targets and Evaluation Models for Drug Candidates (not including vaccines)
    • Infection prevention and control measures in health-care settings (including the best ways to protect health workers) and in community settings
      • Vulnerability and resilience of individuals, collectives and organizations
      • Conditions of efficiency and actual conditions for implementing information, prevention, care and control measures
      • Assessment and modelling of the epidemiological, economic and financial impact of the epidemic and of prevention and control measures
    • As well as areas related to geopolitical issues, ethics of research and care and human rights, representations, perceptions, attitudes and behaviours relating to the epidemic and the organization of care, health policy and the acceptability of decisions, as well as the overall economic impacts of the crisis.


  • Projects aiming at the development of tests in clinical biology/screening are also eligible.



#Coronavirus - Special call coronavirus is now open

First axis of a double call decided this Tuesday by the #FNRS Board of Directors to support fundamental research in the fight against coronavirus, the CURs are funding credits for ongoing projects.


Coronavirus: FNRS devotes €3 million to research

The FNRS devotes 3 million euros to research! Faced with the health crisis, the FNRS has decided to finance a double call for projects aimed at mobilising the FWB's scientific communities and helping them to contribute to the international efforts that are currently being developed.
Urgent research credits: Short-term funding - reimbursement of up to €60,000 for teams that have already started research on the coronavirus
Exceptional Research Projects: Complements the Urgent Research Credits - funding of up to €260,000 each.

pdfPress release

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